SEO That Requires Less but Makes More

Booked about $100,000 of business this year with the Compact Keywords method.

Robert Brill


I can optimize these keywords for every channel! That is fireeeee. I’m in video 4 and I’m like a 16 year old kid with a PS2!!! This is changing my whole concept of what I will do with the site. Thank you!!!

Alejandro Morelli


Modern day SEO is dead.

It used to be that you invested time and research into a ‘skyscraper technique’ article. 3,000+ words. “The ultimate guide to…”

The experts recommended top-of-funnel. They recommended long-form. They recommended exhaustive work.

This was how SEO was done.

And this has become unraveled.

Long-form top-of-funnel is getting wrecked by free AI chatbots like Gemini and ChatGPT. People now get their answers from bots, not blogs.

But it’s become worse.

AI fired the first shot. Then was Google’s March 2024 update.

“Content sites,” those that relied on long-form, have been “obliterated.”

Their traffic is going to Reddit. To Quora. To ecomm sites and purchase-oriented sites.

What’s left is what digital marketers are calling “demand generation keywords.” I call them Compact Keywords. Bottom-of-funnel keywords. Purchase-intent keywords.

Edward is one of the most exceptional and dynamic digital marketers I have had the pleasure of working with.

Yas Haque
Head of SEO @ Omnicom (2nd largest publicly traded marketing agency)

My story with Compact Keywords

I discovered this type of SEO four years ago while digital nomadding through remote cities in Eastern Europe.

It was cold, and I was spending a lot of time indoors. I had just launched a SaaS the month before, and I was looking at competing companies that were getting tons of users with SEO.

I found one that was focused entirely on a different kind of keyword.

On what I now call Compact Keywords.

I first noticed something special when my pages began ranking faster than normal.

Next was when they began converting more than normal.

Then, these pages began yielding enterprise interest – companies with tens of thousands of employees reaching out because somebody there found one of these pages.

Fast-forward to 2024. The above March Google update drops. My content sites are hit, just like others in the screenshots above.

My Compact Keyword sites, however, are not affected at all.

Business as usual for the sites of mine focusing entirely on Compact Keywords.

For years, I knew this method of SEO was dramatically better than what was conventionally taught. However, it wasn’t until I saw the pain that so many other SEOs are experiencing that I knew sharing this would be worth while.

Organic traffic from compact keywords for funnel created in a few months
Getting enterprise requests from targeting compact keywords

Characteristics of a Compact Keyword

Edward's yellow funnel, representing bottom of funnel keywords.

There’s a sort of magic to Compact Keywords.

Compact Keywords are hyper-purchase-intent. They are at the bottom of the acquisition funnel. This gives them compact properties.

Here is why they are compact:

  • Very low competition.
  • Low average words per page required to rank high, ~415.
  • Low effort required; you can templatize and reuse sections across pages.
  • Less Domain Authority and quality backlinks required to rank well.
  • Lower search volumes.

Because these keywords are so use/purchase-oriented, they tend to be very specific.

This high specificity gives them lower search volumes.

These lower search volumes give them lower competition.

And that’s the magic:

  • High converting.
  • Less competitive.
  • Requires less work.

Most people think they already need to be in the prospect’s mind to be at the purchase stage.

Compact Keywords sidesteps this.

Compact Keywords vs. Non-Compact

Below are two examples. One is for SaaS (software as a service), another is for an agency. But as you read on, you’ll understand Compact Keywords can be used for anything.

For SaaS

Purchase-intent. The searchers know what they’re looking for, they just don’t know the brand that will give it to them. The conversion rate is high as f*ck.

Exploring a bit.

This query isn’t specific enough, indicating the searcher is trying to learn about collaboration software for large companies.

Almost no direct conversions from this type of keyword. It’s completely exploratory.

For Agency

People searching for this know what they want and are ready to convert.

Despite the high conversion rate, there’s also less competition because the keyword is specific and therefore has less search volume.

Searchers believe they want an AI consulting company, but don’t yet know what is best.

They’re certainly not top-of-funnel, but at this stage there will be quite a bit of comparison searching. For example, searchers will be looking at prices, reviews, and capabilities.

This keyword is also not overlooked; it is quite competitive with many of the top results optimized well for it.

Searchers are exploring ways to integrate AI chatbots into their companies. No direct conversions from a keyword like this.


Bottom-of-funnel is the solution to people’s problems.

People have a problem. They are searching for a solution.

What they are searching for is called a bottom-of-funnel keyword.

They are at the bottom of the funnel. They know what they want. They are looking for the brand that will give it to them.

Compact Keywords make it so that these people find you.

Edward is literally the evil genius of SEO (and all internet growth hacking). I’ve learned so much from him, and 11/10 recommend anything he does.

Jason Levin
Head of Growth @ Product Hunt

Domain Authority Resistant

Compact Keywords are a secret.

Despite being freakishly high converting, they’re seldom targeted by bigger sites.

And even when they are, there’s so many of them left for everybody else.

Compact Keywords are almost always overlooked.

They have misleadingly low search volumes. When you rank #1 for one, you will rank #1-5 for many more – they often come in large groups.

Most of the big players don’t realize this. They don’t know just how worth their time these keywords are.

As a result, they’re hardly ever targeted and wide open.

Just this month alone I found a 12/100 Moz Domain Authority (8/100 Ahrefs Domain Rating) ranking #1 with Compact Keywords. And the site is only seven months old.

It’s true that the March 2024 Google update gave a greater share of market to high domain authority sites such as Reddit, The Verge (shown in the accompanying Instagram Reel), and Quora.

But much of this market share was for top-of-funnel keywords. And even when the big players targeted bottom-of-funnel, they still left the bulk wide open.

Compact Keywords are a blue ocean. And for this reason, less authoritative sites are able to do very well with them.

Idiot Newbie SEOs

Top-of-funnel, non-Compact Keywords, have higher search volumes and are recommended by most idiot/newbie SEOs for this reason.

These idiot SEOs think these keywords are sexy, when in reality they:

  • Require 2,000-3,000+ words to rank for.
  • Don’t convert immediately.
  • Are competitive.
  1. SEOs recommend to client (or webmasters think of it on their own) a long-form top-of-funnel article to hit a bunch of high volume exploratory keywords.
  2. Lots of effort/time/money is spent making the 2,000-3,000+ word article.
  3. Article doesn’t rank as fast as hoped (or well at all, especially now with Google’s 2024 March update).
  4. Link building campaign for the article commences.
  5. Finally article ranks.
  6. It’s still competitive.
  7. Sometimes it ranks well.
  8. Brings a bunch of traffic.
  9. Ok.jpg – “how we gonna squeeze conversions from this?”
  10. Email capture with sigh… offer that can only target a small fraction of the traffic.
  11. Slow trickle down.
  12. Set up automations.
  13. Trickle trickle.
  14. Ultimately small amount of conversions.
  1. Instead of gambling on one long-form article to bring top-of-funnel traffic with which to convert, you go after many Compact Keywords with short reusable pages.
  2. Find keywords.
  3. Make sections to reuse across pages.
  4. Put up pages. Each page is ~415 words. ~50% is unique copy.
  5. Link building goes to the domain, not the pages. A rising tide lifts all boats.
  6. Call to action on pages leads to conversions immediately because traffic is qualified. They’re on these pages because they are looking for your brand.

No more idiot SEOs wasting clients’ time/money/effort and no more brands spinning their wheels but barely moving.

Works for any niche

Every niche has Compact Keywords.

Every niche has purchase-intent terms people put into search engines and AI chatbots.

People are always looking for specific solutions.

Compact Keywords cover these specific solutions.

Here’s 400 niches ChatGPT gave me as examples for where Compact Keywords would help searchers and brands.

Since the list of niches are literally endless, I could put infinity niches more.

Organic farming
Renewable energy
Home organization
Pet grooming
Mental health counseling
Physical therapy
Digital marketing
Graphic design
Web development
Exotic olive oil tasting
Mobile app development
Online education
Language tutoring
Life coaching
Fitness training
Nutrition coaching
Yoga instruction
Meditation coaching
Childcare services
Senior care services
Virtual assistance
Content writing
Event planning
Balrog tracking
Wedding planning
Travel planning
Interior design
Home staging
Urban farming
Food blogging
Recipe development
Cooking classes
Cake decorating
Fashion design
Coffee roasting
Affiliate marketing
Marketing automation
Fisheries management

Management consulting
Strategy consulting
Marketing consulting
Sales consulting
Human resources consulting
Organizational development
Change management
Project management
Process improvement
Supply chain management
Logistics management
Koopa Troopa defense administration
Operations management
Quality management
Risk management
Crisis management
Corporate training
Leadership development
Team building
Professional Grifball athletic services
Conflict resolution
Public relations
Media training
Brand management
Social media management
Influencer marketing
Content marketing
SEO consulting
PPC advertising
Email marketing
User Interface design
Data science
Wrestling coaching

Lighting design
Stage design
Set design
Costume design
Makeup artistry
Hair styling
Beauty consulting
Hospitality software
Skincare consulting
Nail artistry
Spa management
Massage therapy
Auror services
Tarot reading
Feng shui consulting
Life path coaching
Stress management
Time management
Productivity coaching
Organization coaching
Decluttering coaching
Minimalism coaching
Financial coaching
Money management
Retirement planning
Tax preparation
Bounty hunting in the Outer Rim
Business consulting
Furniture design
Fashion merchandising
Industrial design

Personal styling
Jewelry design
Handmade crafts
Music teaching
Singing coaching
Dance instruction
Acting coaching
Book writing
Audiobook narration
Voice acting
Graphic novels
Comic book creation
Game development
Game design
Board game design
Card game design
Software development
It support
Data analysis
Artificial intelligence
Machine learning
Augmented reality
Virtual reality
Drone operation
3D printing
CAD design
Matrix Oracle prediction services
Urban planning
Visual merchandising
Retail management
Academic counseling
Customer service consulting
User experience design

Civil engineering
Environmental engineering
Mechanical engineering
Electrical engineering
Recruitment for the Master Roshi Turtle School
Chemical engineering
Real estate
Biomedical engineering
Environmental science
Dog walking
Defense software
Political science
ODST regimenting
Museum studies
Art history
Freelance software
IT consulting
Special education
Early childhood education
Educational technology
Instructional design
MMA coaching
Kickboxing coaching

Career counseling
Test preparation
College admissions counseling
Study abroad counseling
Foreign language instruction
ESL teaching
Literacy coaching
Science education
LLM fine-tuning
Math education
Reading instruction
Writing instruction
Gifted education
Montessori education
Enterprise software
Online teaching
Virtual reality education
Augmented reality education
Educational games
Adolescent psychology
Family counseling
Marriage counseling
Rehabilitation services
Occupational therapy
Speech therapy
Herbal medicine
Holistic health
Functional medicine
Integrative medicine
Content optimization
Curriculum development

Public health
Health education
Health coaching
Wellness coaching
Personal training
Group fitness instruction
Pilates instruction
Zumba instruction
Dance fitness
Aerobics instruction
Aquatic fitness
Strength training
Weightlifting coaching
CrossFit coaching
Triforce protection duties
Bootcamp fitness
Sports coaching
Running coaching
Triathlon coaching
Cycling coaching
Swimming coaching
Tennis coaching
Golf coaching
Basketball coaching
Soccer coaching
Baseball coaching
Pokémon training
Softball coaching
Volleyball coaching
Gymnastics coaching
Cheerleading coaching
Dance coaching
Martial arts instruction
Self-defense instruction
Judo instruction
Karate instruction
Taekwondo instruction
Jiu-jitsu instruction

Fencing instruction
Archery coaching
Equestrian coaching
Horse training
Dog training
Pet sitting
Plumbus manufacturing
Pet daycare
Animal rescue
Veterinary services
Veterinary nursing
Animal rehabilitation
Wildlife rehabilitation
Zoo keeping
Aquarium keeping
Marine biology
Animal behavior
Quidditch coaching
Environmental policy
Sustainable development
Urban sustainability
Climate change research
Renewable energy consulting
Energy efficiency consulting
Green building design
Environmental impact assessment
Waste management
Recycling services
Sheikah agent services
Composting services
Water conservation
Soil conservation
Zero waste living
House cleaning services
Boxing coaching

Franchise consulting
Business development
Sales training
Lead generation
Customer relationship management
Customer loyalty programs
Market research
Big data analytics
Business intelligence
Data visualization
Database management
Cloud computing
Software testing
Network administration
Systems analysis
Technical support
Help desk support
IT training
SPARTAN-II supersoldier training
Cybersecurity training
Artificial intelligence research
Machine learning engineering
Data engineering
Internet of things
Quantum computing
Natural language processing
Robotics process automation
Digital twin technology
Edge computing
Autonomous vehicles
Smart city development
Witching services
Forensic accounting
Sustainable fashion
Eco-friendly products

Agricultural science
Plant breeding
Plant pathology
Soil science
Crop science
Agricultural economics
Agricultural engineering
Food science
Food safety
Nutrition science
Culinary arts
Baking and pastry arts
Food photography
Food styling
Restaurant management
Hospitality management
Hotel management
Tourism management
Travel writing
Travel photography
Dungeon mastering
Tour guiding
Adventure tourism
Cultural tourism
Heritage tourism
Culinary tourism
Event management
Conference planning
Trade show planning
Festival planning
Concert promotion
Talent management
Artist management
Entertainment law
Music production
Sound engineering
Preventive medicine
Wildlife management
Product design

SEO for AI

Compact Keywords are not only for search engines.

With Compact Keywords, you are also training AI chatbots to recommend your brand.

A Compact Keywords page

A Compact Keywords page. This is a page for "free call management software."

Shows #1 on Google

Searching free call management software on Google. The Compact Keywords page shows up #1.

Recommended by Gemini

Asking Google's Gemini to recommend free call management software. It recommends the Compact Keywords page.

Recommended by ChatGPT

Asking ChatGPT to recommend free call management software. It recommends the Compact Keywords page.

SEO for creators and UGC

Compact Keywords are also heavily applicable to UGC (user generated content) platforms like social media and forums.

Each of these is its own search engine.

There’s more:

  1. Google is turbocharging UGC in its results.
  2. Generative AI chatbots are training off UGC.

Compact Keywords remain a way for you to have these systems show and recommend your brand.

Over the last decade, I’ve seen Edward’s genuine excitement for marketing drive him to his standing as a leading voice in our industry.

Brett Cohen
Executive Director, Production and Partner Experience @ Forbes

SEO for app stores

Compact Keywords are ideal for any app store optimization (ASO) strategy.

All app store searches are with bottom-of-funnel keywords.

Compact Keywords will help you target the use cases people are searching for on app stores.

Compact Keywords can and should be used with app store optimization (ASO).

Does the recent Google API leak change anything?

Yes! It enforces Compact Keywords!

The Google API leak hints at, among other factors, how important signals around search intent are.

Compact Keywords are designed to target solution-intent searches, where people are looking to use or purchase something to fix the problem they are experiencing.

The pages created for Compact Keywords are hyper-specific to keywords, and for this reason, search intent is directly addressed.

Compact Keyword pages have high CTRs, long clicks, and great user interactions, all metrics shown in the leak.

Play Video about The May 2024 Google Algorithm Leak
Learn more about the Google leak here.

About me

👋 Hi there!

Edward Sturm waving hello.

Hi! I’m Edward.

I’ve been doing SEO for the past decade for some of the biggest companies in the world, the smallest, and companies of my own.

Companies I've proudly done SEO for: Microsoft, Proctor & Gamble, Dotdash Meredith, ADP, EssilorLuxottica, and many more.

Big companies like P&G, Microsoft, ADP. Small companies like tons of startups and SMBs. Finally, my own startups!

I started and ran the NYC SEO meetup group and have taught classes on SEO at Microsoft.

Me in 2016 and 2017 teaching classes on SEO at the Times Square Microsoft offices.

My projects and I have been mentioned in some huge publications and media properties.

Here’s me being quoted in Ahrefs.

This feature about me in HackerNoon trended #1 on the entire site a few days after it was released.

Here’s more places we’ve appeared:

Logos of media entities that Edward Sturm and his projects been mentioned in: Forbes, The Verge, and Entrepreneur Magazine.
Logos of media entities that Edward Sturm and his projects been mentioned in: Today, The Daily Mail, and Good Morning America.
Logos of media entities that Edward Sturm and his projects been mentioned in: 2020, Business Insider, and HuffPost.

In 2019 I started traveling through Europe and discovered Compact Keywords at the end of that year.

After using it myself and seeing how well it worked for such little effort, I became convinced it was the best form of SEO.

I started posting on TikTok and Instagram while living in Barcelona in 2022.

Eight months later, I started my daily marketing podcast.

Predictably, something I found myself often talking about was search engine optimization.

When I shared my affinity for bottom-of-funnel SEO, people asked for more details.

I ended up getting asked about this a lot and paid thousands of dollars per hour to teach it.

They say if you build an audience first, the audience will tell you what product to build.

The idea to make this first hit me at the end of 2023.

Then, recently, after seeing so many friends and colleagues get wrecked by the recent Google updates and AI, I became even more convinced this product was a necessity.

That’s what you’ll be getting in this program – this form of SEO – how to find and deploy Compact Keywords.

Frequently asked questions

This is a course that will teach you how to do the best kind of SEO, bottom-of-funnel SEO. You will learn how to find keywords at the bottom of the funnel and implement content to target them.

This form of SEO works for any niche and any brand.

I’ve personally done this method for a variety of niches, from edtech to self-improvement. I’ve seen it work for many SaaS products. I’ve seen it done for service-based companies like agencies.

Yes, this course is 100% white hat and is, in fact, in line with Google’s guidelines. Compact Keywords address searchers’ problems and provide them with a direct solution.

Yes. The SEO tool I share in the program is Moz, which has a tier that is $49/month and can do everything necessary.

You can also get Moz for one month, use it to collect data and QA pages, then stop the subscription.

If you already have a subscription to another popular SEO software suite, such as Ahrefs or Semrush, this will work too.

The Compact Keywords method is flexible, and many SEO tools can do what is required.

Compact Keywords often rank on the first page of Google within the first month or two. It will take an additional couple of months to move up and rank #1. Typically, you can expect Compact Keywords to rank #1 on Google six to eight months after your page is submitted to Google Search Console, though it could be sooner if your keyword is highly tailored to your niche.

Yes, I want everybody to have a great experience with this course. Please see Compact Keyword’s refund policy for more.

No, you do not. Compact Keywords can also be integrated into any User Generated Content (UGC) platform and strategy.

You should have a brand that sells products or services. If this sounds broad, that is because it is. Compact Keywords is niche-agnostic. It targets people at the bottom of the purchase and use funnel regardless of niche.

Aside from this, you should have a tool for finding keywords. I will recommend my tool of choice (Moz) and show how to use it. Some popular alternatives are Ahrefs and Semrush. Any tool that allows you to see keyword volume will be adequate.

Absolutely. I’ve personally taught this strategy to people and companies who are not advanced in SEO.

If your question isn’t answered here, please don’t hesitate to send me a message.

Refund Policy

I have a 30-day money back guarantee to your payment method.

I want everybody to have a positive experience with this course. I made it entirely alone – even this landing page, I made 100% myself.

If you feel I’ve let you down, I’d first love for you to let me know so I can make it right.

That’s optional, of course, you can just use the contact form in the footer of my website to request your money back.

But I hope you will let me know first so I can address any problems.

More questions?

If the FAQ doesn’t have what you’re looking for, please don’t hesitate to send me a message.

Compact Keywords

What You'll Get



Use code: EARLY


A screenshot of the Compact Keywords program - from the lesson on Bottom of Funnel On Page SEO.
A screenshot of the Compact Keywords program - from the lesson on The Keywords tab of the Internal SEO Template.


Edward Sturm's famous headshot.

Edward Sturm

Edward Sturm's beautiful signature in black.

The Compact Keywords program is still being made. To be included in the beta (5 seats remaining), please contact me.

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