Four things that will be super useful to anybody doing social media marketing, search engine optimization, or, like me, both.
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1. TikTok gives reminders
Assuming TikTok stays around in the U.S. this is going to be huge.
This is what I see when I open my Inbox in TikTok:

Right next to my profile picture is “On this day.”
If you’ve never used On this day, it’s incredible.
It shows you all your videos made on your current day EACH YEAR.
It prompts you to repost a video with the caption on the video “On this day + DATE.”

Here’s how I’ve started using this in my workflow.
First, as I wrote in last week’s article, Instagram rewards you for posting more. I shared the guy who posts 100x/day and gets 9.2 billion organic monthly impressions. I shared the guy who grew from 0-1 million followers in 2 months posting 12x/day. I shared that the fastest I grew by far was when I was posting 6x/day. I shared other examples (you can read it all here).
Through my Repurpose automation (see 4.4 on this list), my videos, which come out everywhere, are automatically backed up without the TikTok watermark to Google Drive. The filename is the first couple of words of the TikTok video.

Every morning, I open “On this day.” I look for videos I want to repost. Sometimes, contextually, it makes sense to repost with TikTok’s “On this day” added in the video. Most times though, that worsens the video.
I go to Google Drive. I search, “type:video after:2024-02-01 before:2024-02-03” – videos posted after a date and before another. I find the videos I want to repost. I download them from my Google Drive. I airdrop them to my phone.
I repost them with new captions/descriptions to TikTok, Instagram, and YouTube Shorts. Reposting works excellently on Instagram, very well on TikTok, and mildly decent on YouTube Shorts.
Sometimes there will be a video that is good enough, but parts of it will be outdated.
I put the video into my video editor, remove the outdated parts, and it’s good as new. As long as the subject matter is useful or entertaining, it still does well.
Literally this morning, before 9 AM, I already had two videos reposted which I originally posted one year ago. People forgot about them. One of them, posted an hour ago, is already up to 10,000 views. I reposted this a few days ago, so far it’s up to 135,000 views. I reposted this on TikTok this week – it’s up to nearly 300,000 views.
If people liked it once, they’ll like it again.
2. Putting keywords in the critical places.
People underestimate how easy SEO is.
Somebody from my SEO Program went after a way more competitive keyword than I typically recommend… and he ranked on the first page of Google immediately, surprising even me.
The reality of SEO is:
- Most people don’t have a target keyword.
- People who have a target keyword either don’t put it in the right places, or overuse it altogether.
One of my favorite articles is Pareto SEO: The 20% of SEO That Gets 80% of the Results.

But I’m going to give you the Pareto of that article. I’m giving you the Pareto OF THE PARETO.
Have a target keyword and put it:
- At the beginning of the Page Title and add something after that makes your Page Title different from others. Example: NYC Website Migration SEO Services | Migrate Without Losing Traffic | Sturm Media.
- “NYC Website Migration SEO Services” is the keyword. “Migrate Without Losing Traffic” is the extra bit to show searchers this page understands them (this increases CTR). “Sturm Media” is the brand name.
- At the beginning of the meta description.
- In the URL slug.
- In the H1.
- At the beginning of the first sentence.
- Don’t spread it throughout the rest of the page unless it is relevant.
That’s it.
That’s the 20% of the 20% of SEO that gets results.
3. You can do SEO without a website
In 1. I shared reposting year-old videos with different captions/descriptions.
If you’re sleeping on just how great videos are for SEO, here’s an image to wake you up:

Yes, that’s me ranking for 3/4 TOP SPOTS on NORMAL GOOGLE SEARCH.
That screenshot is from this article, BTW.
Here’s what to do:
- For any video you post (or repost) put your target keyword at the beginning of the caption/description field.
- And, if it’s YouTube Shorts, at the beginning of the Title field.
You can literally use the same video, reposted, to rank on Google for multiple keywords. Insane.
4. Buying domains to share long URLs
My newsletter got a lot of new subscribers this week.
My SEO Program got a lot of new sales this week.
Because I made each of them easy to share with short memorable URLs in my videos.
I bought – that goes to
I bought – that goes to
At the end of this video with 141,000 total views, I say: “I share hacks like this in my newsletter every week at”
At the end of this video with 106,000 total views, I say: “I just put out a product on this at”
How much worse would the conversion rates of those videos be if I had given the long full URLs? A lot worse. Even putting the URLs in the descriptions – TikTok and Instagram both don’t allow clickable URLs in descriptions – not a good solution either.
Two more examples.
I only do affiliate videos for products I would promote anyway that just happen to have an affiliate program.
I’m the biggest affiliate for these two products: – shared in this recent video with 1.5 million views across platforms. – shared in this video (and reposted for years) with 10-15 million views over its lifetime.
If I had given my full affiliate URL with all the random numbers and parameters, I wouldn’t convert at all.
Buying domain names and redirecting them (you can do this with your domain registrar) solves this completely and makes it so much easier to get conversions with video.
That’s it!
Hope you enjoyed this! I always try to write short articles, get obsessed with giving everyone the most accurate nuanced details so you can copy these strategies, and end up writing essays.
If you like this, please share with a friend/colleague 🙂
Or check out my SEO Program, Compact Keywords, which is getting tons of people crazy results, and will get you results too.