
This Is How Much I Paid For 135,000 Impressions

This Is How Much I Paid For 135,000 Impressions

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This is how much I paid on Twitter for:
– 135,000 impressions

Wait for it…

Waiitttt for it…..

I paid….


A screenshot of my Twitter Ads dashboard showing my impressions, ad spend, and results

I got those stellar results two days ago and as I aim to share only the best growth hacks I learn as they happen, I thought it worth sharing here.

Twitter ads are undervalued, and this opportunity will not last long.

More details about the ad that got those results

It’s a campaign where the call to action is a “Follow” button. I explain more about these ads here.

I have global targeting on.

I DM’d five of the followers I got from the ads to ask if they are real, and 2/5 responded, confirming they are real people.

My ad copy is not good and can improve greatly – I think results can improve.

Next test

For my next Twitter Ads test, I’m targeting USA only.

To what extent will CPM and CPA increase? We will see.

Also worth noting is I think the algorithms need a few days to get good results – so once you start a campaign on Twitter, don’t mess with the settings for at least a few days – from my personal experience.

Pretty good, right?

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Picture of Edward Sturm

Edward Sturm

Edward Sturm is an entrepreneur, SEO, writer, and digital video and image producer.

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