I think I accidentally stumbled onto a very solid product promotion format.
In five minutes, no script, I made this video:
It was late. I hadn’t made a video for the day, so I had to make one (currently at 761 days in a row). I was at a café with other people around who could hear me. I was a bit self conscious. I was caffeinated.
I have a rule for promoting products. I only promote products which I’ve either used a lot and loved, and/or just really believe in.
I often make videos recommending products without being paid just because I want to give value.
However, if a product that I’m going to recommend has an affiliate program, of course I’m going to use my affiliate link. If not, I’d still recommend the product.
Anyway – I used PodMatch to go on 30 podcasts in 3 months back before I was making daily videos, when I was relatively unknown.
I’ve made several videos about this tool because it brought me so much value, but the video above is my most popular one.
And in order to get people to go to my longgg affiliate link (https://podmatch.com/?ref=1662204885108×408577916226610560) I bought aipodcastmatcher.com for $10 and I redirect this short memorable URL (easy to say in videos) to that long link.
Every few hours I get an email like this:

PodMatch charges monthly and annually. I get a 20% recurring commission for anybody who signs up through my link.
And as I’ve shared in previous articles, I can reuse a well-performing video every ~6 months after people have forgotten it. 75% of the time the videos will go viral again!
Now here’s what’s cool
I’m the biggest affiliate for another tool, repurpose.io, and it’s all from this one video:
I talk about how well that video performed here.
But both videos have great hooks.

And the hooks are actually the same:
- Tight shot of my face.
- Captions in the middle.
- Whispering.
- Ambient café sounds and no music.

The tight selfie shot and whispering in public makes it seem like you’re about to get secret information. People are a lot more likely to pay attention!
The content past the hook is also the same:
- Extended build up before sharing the product.
- Explaining personal experience.
- Casual speaking.
- Sharing my laptop showing my actual set up with the product (proof that I use it).
- Direct URLs shared.

A pattern is emerging
I’m going to test more, but it seems like a pattern is emerging for easy promotion of products.
If this is the case you’ll see me using this format a ton to share my SEO Program when I do the full release in a few weeks.
Important to note is I’m sure the format could get played out if I use it too much.
But if every few of my videos has a video with this format in it, I think it will be good.
And what’s especially cool is it’s easy to try a million times.
Super easy and fast to shoot.
Super easy and fast to edit.
My editing tool, Descript (I’m not an affiliate of this one but I love it nonetheless), automatically removes all gaps between words, removes retakes, and adds captions.
So all I need to do is record, have Descript’s AI make my rough cut, and then trim if there’s anything left I want removed.
So I love this
This is the advantage I get from making at least one video a day. Every now and then I stumble onto something that can be above-average powerful.
This one in particular is fast, easy, and a tangible format to make people pay attention to your products.
I can’t wait to try it more and I hope you’ll give it a try as well.