
Framing – This Slight Shift Got 14,615% More Views

I genuinely believe anything can be engaging with better framing.

If a piece of content doesn’t perform well, it’s likely not the subject matter but instead the framing.

Below I’ll share two videos of mine.

Both video scripts are 95% the same.

Video 1 was made last year.

Video 2 was made in April.

Video 2 was made at the end of the day when I hadn’t made a daily video and needed content.

I had been meaning to simply repost Video 1, which got 13,000 views when it was originally posted on July 27, 2023.

But when I watched it, I said, “I need to change the framing on this.”

I changed the framing from:


Crazy story from this guy who claims to have invented the Flamin’ Hot Cheeto.



This guy made up an epic lie about inventing the Flamin’ Hot Cheeto. His name is Richard Montañez and he actually got away with it.

I rerecorded the rest because I had a better camera since the original recording then added more dramatic music.


  • 95% of the rest of the lines were the same.
  • The conclusion was the same.
  • The images were mostly the same and in the same order.
  • The work to remake this was minimal.

When you watch both videos, you’ll notice they are nearly identical.

But here’s how much of a difference framing made:

Video 1, the original, has 13,000 views on TikTok and under 1,500 on IG Reels.

The updated video has 1.9 million on TikTok and 633,000 on IG Reels.

The new intro and new music set a different frame.

A more interesting frame.

A frame that compelled people to watch the whole thing and share.

This applies to any piece of content for any marketing channel.

If it’s not framed in a good way, people won’t care.

Anything – any ad, any piece of content, can do well with the right framing.

Even with SEO, competitor keyword data may show your product has a more popular use case than you thought of yourself. This happened to me a few years ago.

The product is framed differently and then it’s more in demand.

Finally, here are the videos.

Video 1
Video 1 on TikTok
Video 1 on Instagram:

Video 2
Video 2 on TikTok
Video 2 on Instagram:

Just a reminder that a failed piece of content might not be the subject matter.

It might be the framing.

And it will only require a small amount of work to fix.

Sidenote: Richard Montañez is legend. Brilliant heist.

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Picture of Edward Sturm

Edward Sturm

Edward Sturm is an entrepreneur, SEO, writer, and video producer.

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