Here’s 2 insights and 1 hack.
Can you guess which is which?
- On brevity.
- In newsletters.
- One word email subject lines have the highest open rates. Far more than 2 words and far far far more than 3+ words.
- In general, shorter subject lines and concise content can increase open rates by ~20-30%
- On YouTube.
- I received an email this morning from a guy sharing an “Accidental YouTube SEO win.” He posted a how-to for a common scooter trick and wrote, “It didn’t occur to me at the time, but people want to learn things quickly, so my 30-second YouTube Short was always picked over a 5-10 minute video on the topic.”
- 85% of this guy’s views on the Short came from search. The video got over 100,000 views and gave the channel 400 additional subscribers
- In newsletters.
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- On content repurposing.
- TwitterX doesn’t suppress an account’s reach for posting boring content. Most other social platforms do. This makes it an ideal testing ground for hooks and video scripts.
- Neil Patel writes 3 scripts a day on TwitterX and turns the best one into a video for TikTok, Instagram Reels, etc. He also posts the best one on LinkedIn.
- If you don’t have enough followers to test hooks and concepts, TwitterX ads still give incredible reach for little cost.
- Several of Neil’s best scripts each month are turned into blog posts.
- 1-2 of the best ones each month are turned into webinars.
- Something I’ve noticed – whenever I read viral marketing/business Tweets on TikTok and Instagram Reels, the video always goes viral. Example.
- What I’m trying:
- I turned off my TikTok to TwitterX automation.
- Instead, I’m posting the transcript of the TikTok to TwitterX every day.
- My editor, Descript, automatically transcribes my videos, so I always have the transcripts ready to go without additional work. It’s a simple copy and paste.
- My theory is that TwitterX prefers short text posts over short video posts and my video transcripts will do well as text posts.
- I’m also considering taking any TikTok that got over 50,000 views and using that transcript as a post on LinkedIn.
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- On price.
- People are 45% more likely to purchase something if the purchase price is easily divisible by the number of items they’re buying.
- 50 seats on an app for $500 is 45 percent more likely to be purchased than 50 seats for $570 or 50 seats for $430.
- The price could be $70 lower, but the $500 offer is 45 percent more likely to be purchased because the price is easily divisible by 50.
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