My belief on marketing is everything is a block of stone with a beautiful sculpture inside:
- Your business
- Your Instagram image post
- Your TikTok
- Your YouTube video
- Your landing page
- Your Instagram Reel
- Your SEO
But it could take time and multiple attempts to find that beautiful sculpture.
Don’t get discouraged if you don’t get it right the first time, few people do.
This video (
351 views to be precise.
This SAME video, posted a year later with some very slight editing (
Lol, so funny.
Everything is a block of stone with a beautiful sculpture inside!!!
Here’s how I found that beautiful sculpture
I used the first trick I wrote about here:
I entered into my Google Drive, where all my videos are backed up through my automation with Repurpose, “type:video after:2024-02-14 before:2024-02-15”

The video came up. I downloaded it.
I dropped it into Descript so I could edit it with the transcript:

This is a principle of life for any marketer, creator, or builder.
We are least objective after first making something.
In my case, when I first made that video, the small tweaks to improve it were staring me RIGHT IN THE FACE. But I was so in love with my creation, I couldn’t see it.
With a year’s time (and of course more experience), I was able to view the original through clear eyes.
Here are the small tweaks that were made:
- The long introduction was cut. It was a better hook to start with a close up of the dog in the suit along with the scenario, than to introduce the dog and the scenario.
- The word “previously” was removed. This word probably confused people because most viewers, even your biggest fans, haven’t seen or won’t remember all your content.
- Captions were added. Captions make videos easier to consume. They also help viewers watching on mute or low volume. This is especially applicable to Instagram viewers scrolling through their timeline, with their volume off.
- Trending music was added (the original had no music). As I share here, when you upload a video to TikTok, TikTok uses AI to analyze your video and recommend the perfect trending sound. I literally just picked the top recommendation from TikTok.
- A different thumbnail was used – an even more interesting image of the dog, taken from the end of the video. I think, but I’m not sure, this increased clicks in Instagram’s Explore page. However, the video performed very well on TikTok too, which barely relies on thumbnails, so I don’t think the thumbnail mattered much.

That was it. Five tiny tweaks. A 683,660% increase in views. 1,400 new followers. A viral piece of content I can repost for years to get more new followers and top-of-mind awareness.

Is your business a block of stone yet to find its beautiful sculpture?
Compact Keywords shows you how to target people searching Google or AI chatbots (as I show here, my SEO pages rank on AI) for whatever it is you are selling.
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