What if I told you there is a form of search engine optimization where:
- You don’t need a website.
- You can rank in 8 hours after publishing your content.
- You can make said content in 10 minutes.
- You can take up all the top spots in a search engine results page with this easy-to-make content!
You’d say, “C’mon Edward get outta here. No way. Edward, you’re lying.”
And I’m saying, “Nah.”

So that you can use this for your brand, I want to explain how this came about.
Jun 6, 2024. My first video explaining Link Echoes in SEO. It consists of a hook, defining Link Echoes, how this was discovered, tons of extra context, and the consequences of Link Echoes. – 55 seconds
Jun 20, 2024. I notice the first video ranked and wanted to see if I could do it again. My video is a bit tighter (not on purpose). It consists of the hook, defining Link Echoes, some extra context, and consequences. – 43 seconds.
Sep 19, 2024. A marketing agency takes my first Link Echoes videos, cuts my script to an even tighter version, and ranks above all my videos. Their video consists of defining Link Echoes, how this was discovered, consequences, and relating it to their client work (smart!). – 36 seconds.
Dec 17, 2024. On my daily podcast, I notice the agency above beating me for the keyword with their way-shortened version of my first script. I briefly explain what Link Echoes are on the podcast. Then I say, “I bet I can rank #1 again for the keyword by editing this explanation into an even shorter video.” Three point line, I call my shot.
Dec 18, 2024. I edit the Link Echoes explanation from my podcast. The edited video consists only of a hook, the definition, and the consequences. – 18 seconds – ranks #1 for the keyword 8 hours after being published. Swish.
I want to put this into perspective for a moment.
There are dozens of articles written about Link Echoes in SEO. Dozens. Some took hours to make. Some are long and took days. All these articles likely took months to rank on Google.
I made my video in 10 minutes. 8 hours after publishing it, it ranked #1 for the keyword. None of my three videos for this took more than an hour to make. All of them ranked the next day and they all automatically rank above the articles.
Insane marketing and SEO hack.
Why this works
Here’s why this works so you can do it yourself.
- The keyword is placed at the beginning of the title field and the beginning of the description field. The rest of the description is populated with an edited transcript of the video. Here’s exactly how I post my daily YouTube Shorts, TikToks, and Instagram Reels. This emphasizes that the video is hyper-relevant to the keyword.
- The video is shorter (people want answers/solutions) fast! You’d much prefer to get your answer from an 18 second video, than reading a long article.
- The video is more recent.
Remaining to test
The thing remaining for me to test is what is more important, short duration or recency?
All the videos rank in ascending order of video length and recency.

My guess is it’s a combination of the two, and maybe recency is a bit more important.
My recommendation
Try YouTube Shorts to rank on Google for your keywords. It doesn’t work for every keyword, but it works for enough to make the time investment worthwhile.
Put your keyword at the beginning of the title field and description field. Use a long description. Use three hashtags.
If targeting a top-of-funnel keyword (Link Echoes in SEO is an example of this) relate it to your brand similar to how the agency did. “Our SEO clients noticed Link Echoes…”
Don’t be afraid to make multiple videos targeting the same keyword. In the same time it takes to write a single page/post about your keyword, you could make 5-10 videos on it – each video hitting the keyword from a different angle.
There hasn’t been a crazy SEO opportunity like this in a long time. And because most SEOs just make written content, very few digital marketers even know about this.
I hope you’ll give it a try.