Featured.com free tier is kind of insane.
First, this is not an ad, the tool has really just been that good to me.
Featured works similar to Help a Reporter Out (RIP) or Source of Sources.
Journalists, writers, media people – need experts for the content they are creating.
Submit your expert quote or credentials. Get selected and get exposure, clout, and backlinks.
In the past I’ve recommended its paid tier, but recently its free tier has gone mental.
Here’s an email I received a few weeks ago:

You probably know HubSpot. If you don’t:

So I submitted an answer:


Boom. A few days later, it appeared in the Selected tab, soon to appear in the Published tab.
Featured, only recently, has become even better than it has been (and it was already excellent).
More media organizations, bigger ones, perhaps an even higher acceptance rate, and not so many users that it’s too hard to compete.
This is my overall acceptance rate on Featured:

Pretty crazy.
Check this out – this is why I’m saying the free tier has gone mental.
Free tier gives you three answers per month:

The 3 in my Selected tab… all 3 of my free answers.
Sometimes I pay the $50/month for Featured Pro tier, which gives unlimited answers:

But lately I haven’t had the time to respond to that many questions each month.
So the 3 have been good.
It’s just kind of crazy to think about.
I do nothing. I pay nothing. I get notified of media organizations needing a quote, some of them are huge, and unlike Featured’s competitors, there is a 70% chance my answers are accepted!
Mental. C’mon, that’s mental!
So how would you use this?
Answer questions.
Get backlinks.
And when you appear in decent publications, share it on LinkedIn, Instagram, wherever you’re building a brand.
“Got included in this great article on HubSpot, Entrepreneur, etc.”
Use this to help legitimize yourself for whatever your goals are.
Free social proof and backlinks. Mental.