LinkedIn Video Is Getting Turbocharged: How to Take Advantage of Linkedin’s New Prioritization of Video

LinkedIn Video Is Getting Turbocharged: How to Take Advantage of LinkedIn’s New Prioritization of Video

LinkedIn video is getting turbocharged.

I had my best performing LinkedIn post (from any of my LinkedIn pages) to date– and it was from a company page with only 36 followers.

The company page had all my videos coming out to it as soon as each video was published on TikTok (with my automation through Repurpose).

Compare this to my personal LinkedIn, with over 3,000 followerswhere my videos were not regularly released.

And match this with the fact that rumors are swirling around LinkedIn prioritizing video in the feed.

Again, all 1,200+ of my videos had been coming out to this company page with few followers… for over a year and a half… with little movement only until there were unconfirmed rumors of LinkedIn prioritizing video.

So, if you add this all together.

It would seem we have more than just rumors.

And this isn’t just a one-off thing.

A few days before my best performing LinkedIn post, I had another video post from this company page nearly reach my previous personal record for impressions on LinkedIn.

How this is changing my LinkedIn strategy

When I started making videos a year and a half ago, my videos sucked.

I didn’t know anything about hooks.

About what left a viewer feeling fulfilled.

About editing.

Really, my videos were not good. I was hyped to get a few hundred views on any given TikTok.

But I said I’m going to make and post videos daily because I’m sure it’s like anything in life: you get better with practice.

Since my videos sucked, though, I didn’t want them coming out to my personal LinkedIn. I didn’t have any data on whether or not they were good enough to deluge my existing LinkedIn followers with.

But I still wanted them to come out on LinkedIn. I didn’t want to leave views on the table.

So I made a company page and used my Repurpose automation (mentioned above) to automatically have them publish there without the TikTok watermark.

LinkedIn’s new prioritization of video has me reconsidering this.

As I type this, I literally spent the last hour looking at other video creator LinkedIns.

I looked at friends who make videos 3-5 videos a week for TikTok and IG Reels and have hundreds of thousands of followers. And friends who do daily videos.

They have all their videos release to their personal LinkedIns.

However… the fastest way to grow on Instagram and TikTok is high frequency posting – posting 4+ times a day.

So I wondered, will this be okay on LinkedIn too?

I looked at Gary Vaynerchuk’s LinkedIn with 6 million followers.

He posts 6 times a day.

After seeing this, I changed my automation to release my videos to my personal page (with most of my followers) instead of my company page.

Setting up a content automation so my videos automatically release to LinkedIn from TikTok. This works with all social media platforms.

Done with Repurpose.

From what I can tell, LinkedIn follows the same rules as everywhere else:

  • If your content is valuable, it will be appreciated.
  • Hooks work.
  • Most people won’t see a piece of content the first time.
  • Repeatedly reposting your content works.
  • If you’re not putting up content, people will forget about you.

How you can use this

I’m bullish on short-form vertical video because it’s used everywhere.

If you’re not making video, consider starting.

Things you don’t need for giving value through daily short-form vertical video:

  • Good lighting.
  • A microphone.
  • A quiet room.
  • Sophisticated editing software.
  • A good camera (I got my early audience (Nov 2022 – Oct 2023) shooting on the selfie camera of an iPhone 8).
  • More than five minutes a day.
    • I used to shoot and edit my videos in the TikTok app. I made this in under 5 minutes, and it got 2 million views. Since it performed well, I repost it every couple of months, so it’s gotten millions more views.

Here’s my exact social media posting directions if you’d like to start.

If you are making video:

  • And it’s not validated by getting views on TikTok/Instagram/YouTube Shorts, have it auto publish to a new LinkedIn Page. If a post unexpectedly performs well, share it to your personal LinkedIn Page.
  • If it is validated by performing consistently well (or you just believe in the content), have it auto publish to your personal LinkedIn like I’m doing.

That’s it.

That’s how to maximize LinkedIn’s new focus on video content.

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Picture of Edward Sturm

Edward Sturm

Edward Sturm is an entrepreneur, SEO, writer, and video producer.

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